1. Where are your products made? We stock products that have been manufactured in various countries. By partnering with top manufacturers worldwide, we bring you an extensive selection of the best products, delivering them straight to your door, no matter where you are.

  2. Where is Nostalgiq Home based? Nostalgiq Home is proudly owned and operated with offices located in the United States.

  3. Is it safe to provide my credit card information on this website? Absolutely! We prioritize your security and privacy. We use two trusted payment providers, Shopify Payments (Stripe) and PayPal, known for their industry-leading security measures in safeguarding your payment information.



  1. What payment options do you accept? We accept all major credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX) and PayPal.

  2. How secure is my online order? At Nostalgiq Home, we are committed to protecting your personal information and ensuring a secure online experience. Our website utilizes industry-standard encryption and password protection technologies, including SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Your payment information is not stored on our servers. All credit card transactions are processed through the certified PCI Service Provider Level 1 payment gateway, providing the highest level of security.

  3. Do you take orders over the phone? Currently, we do not accept payments for orders over the phone. Please use one of the secure methods provided when completing your order.


  1. Can I purchase multiple products in a single order? Absolutely! You can easily add multiple products to your cart by browsing our store and clicking the "add to cart" button. When you are ready to purchase, all the selected products will be available in your shopping cart.

  2. How do I know if my order is confirmed? Once you have completed your purchase, we will send a confirmation email or SMS to the provided email address containing all the details of your order. After confirmation, we begin processing your order and preparing it for shipment. Upon shipment, you will receive a second email with your tracking information. You can track your order using the provided tracking number.

  3. Can I cancel my order? For full-priced items, we accept order cancellations within 24 hours of the order placement. Please contact us as soon as possible to assist you. In exceptional circumstances, we may be able to cancel orders outside this time frame. Otherwise, please refer to our returns policy to initiate a return after receiving your package.

  4. Can I modify the contents of my order? If you wish to add more items to your existing order, please contact us within 24 hours of the original order placement. We may be able to assist you during this time frame. For changes requested outside this period, please place an additional order and contact our customer service team for further assistance.

  5. How do I enter my shipping and billing address? Please ensure that the information you provide for shipping and billing addresses is in English, including punctuation. If your address contains non-English characters, it is recommended to use similar English equivalents. If you encounter any difficulties while placing an order, please reach out to us using the onsite chat.